Get your .XYZ domain name today

Get your .XYZ domain name today

For every website, everywhere

Register .xyz domains with Blacknight for €12.99


Buy .XYZ Domains from Blacknight

Made with in California for Generations X, Y, and Z

.xyz gives you the freedom of choice and the spark to innovate. Go you creators, you rebels, you coders and developers, you creatives, you inventors and innovators. Go #GenXYZ!

With influential adopters like MIT (, the co-founders of Skype (, Deloitte (, and HBO (, along with millions of others in over 230 countries and territories worldwide, .xyz is the go-to domain extension for the next generation of internet users.

.xyz has become the go-to domain ending for Generations X, Y and Z: the next generation of internet users. How, you ask? By hitting the reset button on the internet and giving millions of new internet users around the world a chance to get the domain name they want, with a domain ending that just makes sense.

The alphabet ends in xyz, and so should your domain name. It’s short and memorable, it’s catchy, and it connects you with Generations X, Y and Z. Just like you use “xyz” to take on any meaning in a sentence, the .xyz domain can be whatever you want it to be. Get creative with a great name to the left side of .xyz and let your clients and friends remember your online presence with a .xyz domain.



Examples of .XYZ Websites

Once you have your own .XYZ domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of websiteemail and sitebuilder plans.

Why .XYZ?

  • Artists & designers choose .xyz because it refers to the x, y, and z axes!
  • Thousands of tech start - ups from around the world use .xyz domains
  • Since 2014 .xyz has been one of the most popular new domains, with millions of domains registered
  • .xyz connects Generations X, Y, & Z!

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