Existing customers can still access the old platform. New services are only available to purchase on our new platform.
.xyz gives you the freedom of choice and the spark to innovate. Go you creators, you rebels, you coders and developers, you creatives, you inventors and innovators. Go #GenXYZ!
With influential adopters like MIT (Engine.xyz), the co-founders of Skype (Starship.xyz), Deloitte (Exponentials.xyz), and HBO (Hooli.xyz), along with millions of others in over 230 countries and territories worldwide, .xyz is the go-to domain extension for the next generation of internet users.
.xyz has become the go-to domain ending for Generations X, Y and Z: the next generation of internet users. How, you ask? By hitting the reset button on the internet and giving millions of new internet users around the world a chance to get the domain name they want, with a domain ending that just makes sense.
The alphabet ends in xyz, and so should your domain name. It’s short and memorable, it’s catchy, and it connects you with Generations X, Y and Z. Just like you use “xyz” to take on any meaning in a sentence, the .xyz domain can be whatever you want it to be. Get creative with a great name to the left side of .xyz and let your clients and friends remember your online presence with a .xyz domain.
Once you have your own .XYZ domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.
Tell us your requirements, and we'll put a suitable package together for you