Register .STYLE Domains

Register .STYLE Domains

The Domain for Designers, Fashionistas, and Influencers

Register .style domains with Blacknight for €18.99


Buy Your Own .STYLE Domain with Blacknight

To stay on the leading edge of fashion, you need a hip .STYLE domain name. Your readers or customers don’t have to go to Fashion Week to know what the latest trends are. Your new .style domain will become like a virtual fashion show for fashionistas and influencers looking for the latest fashion crazes and trends. From accessories and shoes to gowns and jackets, your customized .STYLE URL will be the first thing they visit when they’re on the hunt for high fashion.

You either have .STYLE or you don’t!

Who Can Register .STYLE?

Registration for .STYLE is open to anyone and no verification or membership in a trade organisation is required.

Once you have your own domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.

Examples of .STYLE Domains:

Frequently Asked Questions

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SSL Certificates
Blacknight Broadband
Microsoft 365