Register .RIP Domains

Register .RIP Domains

The Domain for remembering friends and loved ones

Register .rip domains with Blacknight for €17.49


Buy .RIP Domains From Blacknight

The funeral industry now has a new home on the internet – the .RIP domain name. This domain works great for funeral homes, embalmers, crematoria technicians, florists, preachers and pastors, casket makers and florists. Family, friends and acquaintances of the deceased will come here to find professional funereal services, share arrangements, their condolences, their memories, their respects. It’s also a place for grief counsellors and religious to help the living and maintain a list of the deceased congregation. You can also use to create an eternal online shrine, and many people may wish to reserve this along with their funeral plot. You can also quickly and easily create a memorial website for friends and loved ones.

Remember them with .RIP

Examples of .RIP Websites

Once you have your own .RIP domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.

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