Existing customers can still access the old platform. New services are only available to purchase on our new platform.
Racing is something which strikes at the heart of our competitive nature. Whether a 100-meter sprint, cycling stage, horse race or car racing event, racing can stir up passion in competitors and spectators alike which few other things can match. Without a doubt, the development of the internet and generic TLDs such as this one have allowed us to better be able to share in our passion for all sorts of racing.
As a sport racing it is comprised of more than just teams, organised national and international competitions and individual competitors, but includes amongst other things, manufacturers, sponsors, the media and spectators. The value of the .RACING generic TLD (Top Level Domain) is therefore undeniable and will be the first choice TLD location for people who wish to gain access to racing-related information and services.
Once you have your own .RACING domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.
Tell us your requirements, and we'll put a suitable package together for you