Existing customers can still access the old platform. New services are only available to purchase on our new platform.
For fun-lovers. For adventurers. For everyday people.
Express your visual offering with a relevant domain name.
Whatever the occasion, we depend on pictures to capture the most precious moments of our lives. At weddings and birthdays, graduations and first days of school, these snapshots in time will later become our best way to take a trip down memory lane.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially in today’s society where they increasingly mark the routine of our everyday lives. We shoot them, post them, and share them widely on and across the Internet. Why send in writing what can be more perfectly expressed through a photo? The availability of camera phones and mobile apps makes photo sharing fun, easy, and a great way to portray our personal style and unique perspective to the world.
.PICS will become the online space for sharing the storyboard of your life. Providers of photo-related services, equipment, technology, and information will all find this domain the perfect label for their offering.
Appending “.PICS” to the end of your domain name will tell Internet users that your website will support them in their pursuit for better picture taking and sharing. The credibility of being a member of the .PICS online space will go a long way with anxious consumers looking to entrust this very important part of their lives to a business or service provider.
One day soon, Internet users across all platforms will instinctively turn to the .PICS domain for richer, more engaging experiences as they share the images that define their lives. The presence of a dedicated space will encourage even more growth in the way that we capture and share our personal stories.
Once you have your own .PICS domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.
Tell us your requirements, and we'll put a suitable package together for you