Register .IMMO Domains

Register .IMMO Domains

The Short Domain for the German and French Property Markets

Register .immo domains with Blacknight for €28.99


Buy .IMMO Domains from Blacknight

Your .immo website tells everyone that finding a property in France or Germany is your business. Whether your expertise is in buying or selling, owning a .IMMO shows your expertise in knowing the difference between historic towns and tourist traps. You’re an excellent resource for everyday help with local law and customs. And when it’s time to sign the contract, your customers trust they’ll get the most for their Euros.

Start selling .IMMO today!

Examples of .IMMO Websites

Once you have your own .IMMO domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.

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