Existing customers can still access the old platform. New services are only available to purchase on our new platform.
The world needs experts, whether or not people are tired of them. Everyone knows something unique and if you’re looking to market that unique knowledge then you need the .EXPERT domain name. It tells potential clients, customers, vendors and the general public that you know your onions.
The new TLDs such as .EXPERT offer the opportunity to register short, memorable and relevant domains for your business niche. So, if you look at TLDs such as .expert, you can immediately see the benefit of the context it provides for everyone that you work with.
Show off your unique knowledge with .EXPERT
Registration for .EXPERT domains is open to anyone. No verification or membership in any business trade bodies is required. Show off your expertise with .EXPERT today!
Once you have your own .EXPERT domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.
Tell us your requirements, and we'll put a suitable package together for you