Register EU Domains with Blacknight

Register EU Domains with Blacknight

The Dots You Can Trust

Register .eu domains with Blacknight for €3.99


.eu domains are ideal for any company wishing to establish a pan-European online presence. Any person, company or organisation based in the European Union, Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein can register a .eu domain name.

Who Has Registered .eu Domains?

When you register a .eu domain name you are in good company. Join multinational companies that have embraced the .eu domain as part of their online strategy:

Microsoft Europe .EU Domains Medtronic .EU Domain Kettle Chips .EU Domain
Hitachi .EU Domains Hyundai .EU Domain name Carrefour .EU domain name

Why Register .eu Domains?

.eu domains show that you / your company is European, or that you are focused on the European Union market. If you have offices in different European countries your .eu domain can act as a ‘mini-portal’.

Already got a .eu domain name? Switch to Blacknight and save! We offer highly competitive pricing on .eu domain name registration, renewal and transfers.

EURid attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy. Please be sure to check out their privacy policy here


Examples of .EU Domains

Once you have your own .EU domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of websiteemail and sitebuilder plans.

Important Registration Information

The registration of a .EU domain name is restricted to residents of the European Union, companies that have a registered office in the European Union, or businesses/organisations established in the European Union. Eligibility also extends to EEA members Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. Registrants located in the United Kingdom are no longer eligible to register .EU domains since the UK has left the EU. After you make your purchase for a .EU domain with Blacknight, we will contact you with details on how to go through this verification process.

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