Register .CYOU Domains

Register .CYOU Domains

The Domain For Today's Digital Natives

Register .cyou domains with Blacknight for €1.99


Buy .CYOU Domains from Blacknight

.cyou is a savvy and uber-cool domain extension crafted for the true digital natives of today. The .cyou domain is crafted specifically for today’s generation of movers and shakers who have never lived in a world without social media or the internet. .cyou empowers the true digital natives of today’s work smart generation that are re-writing the rule book on how things should be.

Why Register .CYOU?

  • Innovative – A name on .cyou shows that you are innovative and ‘with it’.
  • Memorable – The .cyou domain offers a modern twist and is a short, easy to remember domain that will make you stand out.
  • Agnostic – The .cyou domain is independent of geography, language, and industry and can be used by anyone to denote their presence on the Internet.
  • Scalable – The .cyou domain is perfect for businesses trying to target young audiences and scale to new buyer segments.
  • Smart – The .cyou domain doubles up as a nifty abbreviation for ‘see you’.
  • Brandable – The .cyou domain is a great choice for brands and influencers that want to establish themselves as a strong online brand.

Examples of .CYOU Websites

  • More examples to come once General Availability of .CYOU happens in Late June 2020!

Once you have your own .CYOU domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.

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