Register .COM.AU Domains

Register .COM.AU Domains

The Domain for Business in Australia

Register domains with Blacknight for €49.99


Buy .COM.AU Domains from Blacknight

If you’re going to do business in Australia, then you absolutely need to register your local .COM.AU domain name. This domain is intended for commercial entities, such as companies and businesses who will be doing business in the Australian market. Getting a .COM.AU domain tells your customers that your local and dedicated to the success of the thriving Australian marketplace. Start doing business in Australia with .COM.AU. Registering a domain in the .AU namespace requires registrants to have either an exact trademark match or a close and substantial connection to their desired domain name. Proof will be required (see below for more details).

Buy Your Own Domain

Once you have your own .COM.AU domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence in Australia. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.

Important Registration Information

Only Australian companies, organizations, citizens, and residents are eligible to register a .COM.AU domain. After you make your purchase for a .COM.AU domain with Blacknight, we will contact you with details on how to go through this verification process.

The domain name must be an exact match, abbreviation, or acronym of the registrant’s name or closely related to the registrant.

.AU domain registrants must be one of the following:

  • An Australian registered company.
  • Trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory.
  • An Australian partnership or sole trader.
  • A foreign company licensed to trade in Australia.
  • The owner of an Australian Registered Trademark.
  • An applicant for an Australian Registered Trademark.
  • An association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory.
  • An Australian commercial statutory body.

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