Existing customers can still access the old platform. New services are only available to purchase on our new platform.
A job is sometimes just a job, but your career is a lifelong journey. Whether you’re job hunting or recruiting top talent for your organisation or looking to promote from within, a .careers domain shows that you have the bigger picture in mind. If you can attract the right match for the right opening, you know you can watch your business thrive.
TLDs such as .CAREERS offer the opportunity to register short, memorable and relevant domains. So, for example, if your company is recruiting new staff members, you can advertise job vacancies on yourcompanysname.careers. It makes it very easy for potential candidates to find and remember your employment website. Many corporations are now opting to host their careers websites separately on a .CAREERS domain.
With .CAREERS, you can attract top talent.
Registration is open to anyone connected to the employment industry – no verification is required so anyone can use this versatile domain to reach their business goals.
Once you have your own domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.
Tell us your requirements, and we'll put a suitable package together for you