Get Your Own .BLOG Domain Today

Get Your Own .BLOG Domain Today

Got something to say? .BLOG it!

Register .blog domains with Blacknight for €4.99


Buy .BLOG Domains from Blacknight

Got something to say? Need a home for your online journal? A place to post your thoughts, build your case, discuss your insights, or showcase your expertise? Blogging has redefined the web, and today a blog is a key element of any website. Now the .BLOG domain offers a new way to claim your place on the platform. There is a huge range of blogging tools and platforms. The advent of blogging software and Content Management Systems is a revolution in publishing, effectively reducing to zero the barrier to entry. The open-source WordPress platform is the most popular choice for most bloggers. In fact, it’s brought to you by the same people who are behind the new .BLOG domain: Automattic. But they’ve generously made .BLOG available to all, no matter what platform you use.

Examples of .BLOG Websites

Once you have your own .BLOG domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.

Blog about what moves you!


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