IE Domain Registration Policy

IE Domain Registration Policy

IE Registration Requirements.

.IE is the national country code domain name for Ireland. Registration is subject to certain requirements which are outlined here.

IE Registration Requirements

  • What are the Requirements for Registering a .IE Domain Name?

    The only requirement for registering a .IE domain name is that you can demonstrate a real connection to Ireland.


  • A connection to Ireland is a requirement for registering a .IE domain name. This can be shown in a number of ways:

    • For Irish citizens: an Irish passport, birth certificate, driver’s licence or PPS card.
    • For Irish residents: proof of residence such as an official document, recent bank statement, letter from Revenue etc.
    • For companies registered in Ireland: a company registration number from the Companies Registration Office, or a Registered Business Name, or a VAT number.
    • Companies which are not registered in Ireland are eligible if they can show that they are trading with clients in Ireland. Evidence such as invoices, press releases or previously published marketing material aimed at the Irish market would be acceptable, or a letter from a solicitor, accountant or bank manager, confirming your current trade with Ireland, or your intention to do so.
    • Companies, partnerships and individuals who are holders of Irish or EU Community registered trademarks are also eligible.

    This article from our helpdesk lists the most common forms of documentation which are usually accepted for different categories of applicant for a .IE domain name. In some cases, the IE domain registry may request additional information in cases where your personal or commercial identification cannot be easily verified from the documentation.

  • Yes. Ireland means Ireland, North and South, 32 counties, including the territories known as the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

  • No. Once your connection has been proven, you won’t need to show this again should you decide to register more .IE domains. When registering subsequent domain names we’ll ask you to simply remind us which IE domain(s) you already have.

  • That’s no problem: Blacknight staff are .IE experts! Please contact us and we’ll be happy to advise you.