Existing customers can still access the old platform. New services are only available to purchase on our new platform.
With Blacknight Irish blog hosting, you can install a wide variety of blogging platforms such as WordPress, Typo3, Drupal, Joomla and more! You can install them quickly and easily from within your own hosting control panel using our industry-leading Application Vault. All it takes is a couple of clicks to get your Ireland and thus EU-based blog up and running. Blogging is coming back as publications seek to show their independence from popular social media platforms that continue to marginalise their voices.
When blogs first came about in the early 2000s, they were a simple chronological journal format using a freely available content management system. Since then, they have evolved into many formats and types of publications. Many blogs that started as ‘blogs’ have morphed into major publications in their own right. Nowadays, a blog can be anything from a news publication to a PR resource for corporations to communicate with the public. If you have a burning idea for a publication, it’s time to put it out there. Blacknight makes it easy to get up and going. All you really have to do is start writing and then hitting publish on your own website.
All of our Linux hosting plans come with access to a control panel with an easy to use application installer, so you can start blogging within a few minutes. Our application vault is an automated script installer which allows you to easily install a wide range of addons to your hosting account with ease. You can use a wide variety of platforms – though these days the most popular ones are WordPress, Joomla, Typo3, and Drupal (all of which you can install for free with your hosting package). The auto-installer takes care of setting up your databases, installing the files and getting things up and running. It couldn’t be easier to start your own self-hosted blog.
* excludes VAT
For a full list of PreInstalled Applications click here.
Irish Blogs – The most comprehensive directory of Irish blogs on the web.
Irish Webmaster Forum – A great community to get tips and tricks for running your blog.
The Top 16 Irish Blogs You Have To Follow – A great list of Irish blogs to follow!
Register a .BLOG Domain – The domain made for blogs!
Tell us your requirements, and we'll put a suitable package together for you