Get your .FM domain name today

Get your .FM domain name today

The perfect choice to broadcast yourself to the world

Register .fm domains with Blacknight for €80.00


.FM Domains from Blacknight

Nothing really says we’re a radio station like a dot fm extension. It is the perfect domain extension for radio broadcasting, Internet-only radio stations, podcasting sites and much more can use .FM. It provides an instant association with audio content.

.FM is the (ccTLD) for the Federated States of Micronesia, a group of islands of some 607 small islands located in the Western Pacific Ocean. The future of audio entertainment is online, stake your claim in this space with a .FM domain name.

Anyone can register a .FM domain name, though there are a number of reserved names for example:

Examples of .FM Websites

Once you have your own .FM domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of websiteemail and sitebuilder plans.


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