Existing customers can still access the old platform. New services are only available to purchase on our new platform.
Here at Blacknight customers moving to us from other hosting providers is a situation we deal with quite a bit. (We recommend you also have a look at our guide to transferring domain names)
There are many reasons for a customer to move, and unfortunately moving hosting providers is not as simple as copying your website files from one server to another
But with a little bit of forethought moving hosting providers does not have to be a traumatic experience:
Please be aware that other hosting companies may have different directory structures, we strongly recommend that you allow a sufficient testing period.
Login to your hosting control panel and setup email addresses etc. (login details are in your “welcome” email)
Update your domain’s DNS to point to ours:
ns1.blacknight.com –
ns2.blacknight.com –
It may take between 12 and 72 hours for the DNS to fully update to point to your new online home. You can check this online using our DNS check Please note: Make sure you notify us that you are changing your DNS to ours as we need to add your domain to our DNS servers, if you do not do this your domain will not work correctly.
If you do not have control full control of your domain please consult our domain transfer guide.
If you have your own mail server in your office please let our support department know, so that they can ensure that the mail is sent to it and not us.
Once the DNS has updated you should contact your former hosting company to cancel your account.
If you have any issues moving hosts please contact our support team.
Since we cannot be responsible for issues arising between third parties, please ensure that there are no billing issues with your previous hosting provider, as this may lead to delays and/or downtime.
We strongly recommend that you try to move your hosting at least two weeks before your current hosting contract expires.